Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chicken and Rice

It's a relatively simple dish, but also relatively easy to make, which I suppose is why it's generally included among comfort foods. With a vegetable (broccoli, in this case) to the side, it concisely provides protein, carbohydrates, and fat (Yes, you do need fat in your diet, albeit a controlled amount!)

Broccoli might not be number one on your list of favorite foods, but it contains essential nutrients that you could not live without. Similarly, the chicken has fat inside it, which tends to have a bad rap, but without it, you too would be at risk for malnutrition, or even disease; too much of either the vitamins, or the fat and carbohydrates, can cause harm as well.

It's all about balance, after all; it applies to everything in life, it seems.


1 comment:

Seda said...

Balance, yes, indeed. Sometimes you even end up gender-balanced when you're by yourself.

Of course, being a Libra, I'm into balance...