Friday, October 24, 2008

Work, Work, Work

Phew, havent had time to update in a while!

I've pretty much settled into work in retail, and have basically gotten everything smoothed out. Now, I just have to save money for a new car that will pass inspection no problem and maybe a laptop...

-E. Bunchastu

Sunday, October 05, 2008

This video made me cry

I have no idea why, it's not a sad video. Maybe I'm just being stupidly emotional right now


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The 3rd Day

It seems that working two jobs tends to cut into time spent on the internet!

It seems I am going to be losing weight, because even though I had increased my physical activity, I seem to have picked up the habit of mindlessly eating, which I have brought my attention to, and as I will have less opportunities to eat (working retail doesn't give much alone time!), as well as working more of the time, means I will be slimmer quicker!


I never knew how much baby food and supplies people bought before today; apparently its required to buy one piece of electronics equipment per metric ton of similac.

A lot of people enjoy Iron Man, as I had to hear many people explain how they loved the movie, and how I should see it, and how blu-ray makes the difference!

Oy gevalt.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Egg Salad

Wawa, I am disappointed.

How could you let me get this, a most bland and rubbery horror that, once I tasted it, made me instantly regret getting it? I say, I would have rather gotten a turkey sandwich, and that, for me, is saying quite a bit.

Unless it's the turkey and stuffing sandwich they have.

That's pretty good.

In any case, everyone is talking about how the economy is terrible and we're all going to be living in cardboard boxes a week from now and if we don't do something it will all be terrible!


Isn't it even more important, then, to focus on what you have right now? Then even little things will seem to be blessings; who knows, perhaps this economic crisis will actually teach some people the value of a dollar!

Or maybe we're all gonna be invaded by russia.

Which we will see.

From our house.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Finally able to save some money...

With this second job, I suppose I'll actually be able to put something away, so that I won't be working paycheck to paycheck, and not be as susceptible to financial crises!

That's a good one!

In any case, I have been tooling around some more with linux, and I think I might have to get a book or something on this, because it is quite a bit more complicated than what I'm used to (Windows...).


Bloggin with Ubuntu

This OS is actually pretty cool, a little hard to get into at first though, but I think I'm learning!

I've had enough headaches trying to figure out what to do so far though.

I suppose I will just have to learn as I go!

In other news, I received a call today from my potential employer, and I am scheduled for an orientation; with two jobs, I should be able to get a bit of money, eh?


Monday, September 22, 2008

Bumper Stickers and Decals

I've never really been big on labels (Ouch), but I have been thinking about getting some pride stickers or decals for my car.

I have been offered several by the HRC, but it seems to me that they seem to strive more for the rights of gays and lesbians than they do the transgendered, and also its slightly ubiquitous among the liberal-minded folk of Stafford.

What I have now could be considered sufficient, though, that's the thing; one reads "Don't Blame Me, I voted for Kerry", and the other is a Derek and Romaine decal. Its great delivering pizza with a bunch of rowdy marines behind me, I tell you what.

Then again, this is about drawing people's attention to issues, and while the bumper sticker might not be the deepest way to do that, all it takes is a fragment of an idea to take root in someone's mind.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall and attitudes

The air always changes in scent when it gets around autumn; the warm syrupy spring air turns to a crisp, icy tang, tinged with the scent of leaves and open skies.

It seems that whenever this time comes around, I tend to think differently, somehow; not so much how I think, but the climate of my thoughts change in a way that I can't really say, but it isn't a sad or anxious turn.

Maybe people just change with the seasons, like trees do; the outer part changes while their essence stays the same.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Have you ever just been?

It seems people are so wrapped up in their minds that they never get to USE them, and even worse feel that if they have certain thoughts, that makes them bad or something.

When people have invested themselves in the idea of gender, anyone who acts outside that expectation shows them that there are more possibilities than they had previously supposed; they'll either adapt and allow others to be, or try to put it out of mind, by whatever means necessary.


Tales from the Darkside

Plot summary: Hey a girl is lost! Here's a nice cabin. Girl prods about, but is rebuked by husband of mysterious husband and wife team of retirees, but is then 'reassured' and given a huge amount of sherry. Girl goes in hottub. Wife adds vegetables.

All I could think about though was whether they put pool chemicals in there, and whether that would make it inedible.



Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rats fleeing a sinking ship

Oh John McCain, your house of cards is about to fall in on itself! The people seem to finally realise that McCain's lies are what they are, and Palin has lost the initial boost she may once have had, it seems.

For once I'm kind of thankful for the economy being the way it is.


Job Search Part 2

Went in for my interview today, and I think it went pretty well, as I'm supposed to come back tomorrow!

I have the rest of the day off to relax, which is so great, because I have been closing at the pizza place for the past 8 days I've been working, which is not fun at all.

The sad thing is, I have no idea how to quit a job gracefully, as I've only ever been laid off or done temp work before...

Then again this is a problem you might want to have!

I went by the mall afterwards to do some shopping, but the only thing I ended up buying was an Auntie Ann's pretzel, which was sweeter than I remember them being (Pretzels are supposed to be salty aren't they?), what with it being just a normal pretzel.

I think it's time for a nap...


Midnight Blogging (Trannies Doo doo DOO)

It's actually 1:00 AM but hey, I just got off work!

Shaving and Nair just redouble my determination to get electrolysis; granted, it'd be painful financially and physically, but at least it'd get it done, right?

I don't even know the rates of places around here yet, and I still have to stablize my job situation before I can do anything other than research information about it; I wonder if there are any places that do it charitably?


It's getting cooler, and the trees are just beginning to show their oranges and yellows. A few are growing bald before my eyes, and the sky seems to be lit much more dramatically now that the sun sets earlier. I hear a lot of people complain about the end of summer, but really fall and winter have their own positive qualities too.

During a snowfall in the suburbs, it is the stillest I ever have seen, except for the occasional car or vehicle passing by, which just punctuates it. The sky is a uniform gray, and haze is all around, but it makes it seem otherworldly, magical somehow.

In fall, it becomes bearably cool again, and the forest seems to catch on fire with the colors, and the gaudiness of spring and summer matures into the wisdom of harvest.

Of course, once I go through winter, I am glad to see the first blades of grass return, and to feel the warmth of the sun penetrate my frozen bones.

The world comes alive again.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oh Come ON, Wikipedia

Oh no.

"I've removed Dobby from Harry Potter from the list of "magical negroes". The character was a computer animated elf, not a black human, and the only reference for this claim was a message board post written in French. You might as well call Jar-Jar Binks a magical negro."

I'm sure this was the most sensitive way they could phrase this, of course.

Is this a valid literary term? I have never heard of this before, and while I know that wikipedia has practical space limitations on the names of articles, I wonder if the person who made this was trying to be funny, or just was oblivious.

A Weird Dream

During last night, after a late dinner of ham salad sandwich, pepsi, and chips, I had the following dream (I swear I am going to become a vegetarian next year, or at least reduce suspiciously created meat product consumption!):

I woke up in my bed, and everything seemed pretty much to be normal. I turned on the news, and there was a report on some new animals that had shown up in the Chesapeake Bay; no one knew where they came from, but they appeared to be harmless. A picture was then shown, and it seemed to be some kind of jellyfish, but its tentacles were too thick, and they were used to grasp and pull themselves along, rather than poison animals.

Shortly after that, I started getting ready to go out with some friends, when we encountered a few in the forest next to my house; being the logical people we were, we ran back to the house, and got raincoats and wooden sticks to defend ourselves with. After a few of them got into our yard, I asked no one in particular, "What are these things, really?"

"They are direct competitors with us"

Just as the creatures started waddling towards us, I woke up.

I am never touching ham salad again.


Ham Salad?

Oh woe is me.

Whenever there are ready-made sandwiches available, do not go on the basis of assumptions.

I reached for a tuna salad sandwich, but then was distracted by the deli-worker, asking if he could help me with anything.

Then I grabbed what I thought was the sandwich.

Looks like it's time for a culinary experiment.


Job Search Part One

It seems that, while delivering pizza can be lucrative at first, it tends to take out its own cut of your profits when gasoline is $4.00 a gallon; therefore, I have decided to try to find less-driving intensive work.

I have an interview with a certain store that, according to one celebrity, "Sells walls or something", in a couple of days. The only thing I am ambivalent about is the health insurance, as I am told it takes quite a bit of time working to be eligible, even if working full time. I'm not even sure what position I am being interviewed for, as I applied the shotgun approach to the online application.

Here's to hoping Obama wins and keeps his word,


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gaming in the Clinton Years

Best. Reviews. Ever.

Apparently, graphics were all that mattered to this man in video games, as he says,
"Who cares about the plot with all these static backgrounds?"



Chicken and Rice

It's a relatively simple dish, but also relatively easy to make, which I suppose is why it's generally included among comfort foods. With a vegetable (broccoli, in this case) to the side, it concisely provides protein, carbohydrates, and fat (Yes, you do need fat in your diet, albeit a controlled amount!)

Broccoli might not be number one on your list of favorite foods, but it contains essential nutrients that you could not live without. Similarly, the chicken has fat inside it, which tends to have a bad rap, but without it, you too would be at risk for malnutrition, or even disease; too much of either the vitamins, or the fat and carbohydrates, can cause harm as well.

It's all about balance, after all; it applies to everything in life, it seems.
