Saturday, September 27, 2008

Egg Salad

Wawa, I am disappointed.

How could you let me get this, a most bland and rubbery horror that, once I tasted it, made me instantly regret getting it? I say, I would have rather gotten a turkey sandwich, and that, for me, is saying quite a bit.

Unless it's the turkey and stuffing sandwich they have.

That's pretty good.

In any case, everyone is talking about how the economy is terrible and we're all going to be living in cardboard boxes a week from now and if we don't do something it will all be terrible!


Isn't it even more important, then, to focus on what you have right now? Then even little things will seem to be blessings; who knows, perhaps this economic crisis will actually teach some people the value of a dollar!

Or maybe we're all gonna be invaded by russia.

Which we will see.

From our house.


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